Rare Book Monthly

Articles - September - 2016 Issue

Stay Tuned: Three-Part Series on New Editions of 17th-Century Women Writers

Set your cap for this! Guest Series: “Old Books / New Editions” by Guest Writer, Maureen E. Mulvihill, a collector & scholar with The Princeton Research Forum, NJ. Three articles, with contemporary images, on new editions by respected specialists of three intriguing 17th-century women writers. Hosted by the Rare Book Hub in three installments: Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st, 2016. See illustrated Preview Page. (Our thanks to Dan Harris for tech assistance.)

Posted On: 2016-09-01 14:17
User Name: awaldronmd

Dr. Mulvihill, I am very impressed with your presentation page and links. I have signed on as a general public member. I am pleased to see the fine rare book work that you are so devoted to. Dr. Waldron

Posted On: 2016-09-01 23:38
User Name: maryf

Always wonderful to see new attention paid to formerly overlooked authors. Finally, these 17th Century writers are getting some of the notice they deserved when first published.

Posted On: 2016-09-02 17:22
User Name: mairin111

Posting for Felix de Villiers (Verona, Italy)
< https://www.facebook.com/felix.l.devilliers >
1st September 2016.

This upcoming new series looks promising, both its content & the close care Maureen will give her essays' visual material. I sometimes think she's a closet painter, or designer of some kind. I've been an e-colleague of hers for years, and I especially like her writings on the old, rare books and the early authors. But then, also, on Rubens and Veronese, too --- and Virginia Woolf. Glad to know about this Rare Book Hub website & archive -- useful to all kinds of book people! Maureen's love and commitment to her work is such that I feel the books are alive and speaking to me. A joy to follow her. (Pleased to have a voice here, thank you for posting this Comment.) From Felix de Villiers, Verona, Italy, 1st September 2016 ///

Posted On: 2016-09-02 19:22
User Name: namafor52017

Dr. Mulvihill,
The Friends of the Selby Library and I are very excited about your upcoming presentation in April, "Old Books Still Matter". This will open up a wonderful new world to those of us who are novices in this field. It certainly will be enriching for all in the audience, many of whom are collectors of rare books. We are eager to hear the thoughts of creative, learned men and women from generations ago and also to view some of the actual rare books. As a retired educator, it will be so rewarding to be learning in this vital way from someone so passionate about her life's work. Alice Blueglass, VP of the Friends of the Selby Library. Sarasota Fl.

Posted On: 2016-09-05 18:19
User Name: bschneller

Your readers are most fortunate to have the expertise of Dr. Mulvihill apparent in this fine exhibit. Long a scholar-advocate for women writers, and especially neglected women writers, Dr. Mulvihill's contributions to the field are creative, comprehensive, and beautifully executed with her curator's eye. She has a gift for critical analysis of the literary merit of these works enhanced by her "reading" of the important information on the history of book that can be gleaned from the material of print culture. This is notable and noteworthy work.

Posted On: 2016-09-07 21:29
User Name: mmdecker

Looking forward to this series. Dr. Mulvihill can always be relied upon for an excellent and thorough treatment of her subjects. This looks to be an important presentation. Thank you.

Posted On: 2016-09-08 03:52
User Name: mairin111

Posting for Dr Mona Scheuermann (Chicago)
< https://www.amazon.com/Mona-Scheuermann/e/B001KHV4Z2 >
7th September 2016.
As a scholar of seventeenth and eighteenth-century literature and history, I am fascinated by rare books and their contexts. I've known Dr. Mulvihill's work since the 1980s, and I look forward with much pleasure to reading her essays in this series. She is superbly qualified to assume this task. And thank you, Rare Book Hub!

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