Rare Book Transaction History — 14,134,301 searchable records

The Rare Book Transaction History currently contains 14,134,301 bibliographic records and growing. Records come from current and historic auctions, recent and classic bookseller and collector catalogues and bibliographies. Bookseller catalogues include list prices while auction records include estimated and actual sales prices. Most records include full description provided at time. The database may be searched broadly for keywords appearing in any fields, or narrowly targeted by searching only specific or combination of specific fields such as author, title, year printed, place printed, etc.

Rare Book Transaction History access is included with the following memberships: Visitor, Research, Octavo and Folio

Visitors and Research members can access the Rare Book Transaction History from one device at a time, Octavo members from two devices at a time, folio members from 5 devices at a time.

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