Rare Book Monthly

Articles - July - 2017 Issue

Fourteen New Catalogues Reviewed This Month

Fourteen new catalogues.

Fourteen new catalogues.

This month we review 14 new booksellers' catalogues. Shapero Rare Books takes us "back to the cradle," a collection of works about African discovery. From Hordern House, we find a selection of Australiana and Pacific discovery. Kainbacher Rare Books takes us to one of the most isolated inhabited places on earth – Rapa Nui, better known in the West as Easter Island.


Turning to America, David M. Lesser Fine Antiquarian Books offers a selection of rare Americana. The William Reese Company focuses on the American Revolution. Almagre Books covers the American Southwest, though some of their material drifts south of the U.S. border.


Oak Knoll Books offers a selection of items from Michael Peich and the Aralia Press. The Veatchs Arts of the Book has a new catalogue devoted to material from the book arts. The Raab Collection has a selection of important signed documents from major historic figures (you will probably recognize every one of them). Jonathan A. Hill Bookseller features early works in science, medicine, and natural history. Langdon Manor Books offers material related to African Americana, women, and "other items odd and wondrous."


The Brick Row Book Shop has a miscellany of older, uncommon material. The Antiquariaat Forum and Asher Rare Books combine to offer a variety of antiquarian material. Finally, Samuel Gedge Ltd. presents one of their collections of very rare and obscure paper and books from the very distant past, the types of things you never would have imagined still exist.


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