Rare Book Monthly

Articles - August - 2017 Issue

Eight New Catalogues Reviewed for August

This month we review eight new catalogues. De Wolfe & Wood and Michael Brown Rare Books are offering an early printing of photographs taken by Walker Evans in Cuba in 1933. He developed this set while still in Cuba and gave them to Ernest Hemingway for safekeeping, in case authorities seized his negatives. From a very different part of the world, Patrick McGahern Books is focused on the Arctic, Polar, Sub-Arctic, Newfoundland, Labrador. Very different yet again, Peter Harrington targets the Arab and Islamic World. Or, heading back home (for Americans, anyway), the William Reese Company has a selection of American scenes and views.


Zephyr Used and Rare Books has created a catalogue celebrating their 30th anniversary in the trade. John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller presents some important and uncommon books for the recent RBMS conference. Raptis Rare Books has a collection of important books and documents for the most discerning of collectors. Samuel Gedge Ltd. has a new selection of unusual and very uncommon books and documents.


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