Rare Book Monthly

Articles - November - 2017 Issue

Eight New Bookseller Catalogues Reviewed

Eight new catalogues.

Eight new catalogues.

We have eight new catalogues up for review this month. Read 'Em Again Books features correspondence from the 18th and 19th century. The Pages of Yesteryear hasn't been in business since quite the 18th or 19th century, but they have been for 53 years and they offer 53 interesting and unusual items in celebration thereof. Old West Books, naturally enough, offers a collection of older books, or at least about old times.


John Randall Books of Asia has a catalogue of languages of South Asia, maybe not all of them, but 34 languages is a good start. Shapero Rare Books has a catalogue devoted to Central Asia, including many travels to and from. John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller features works in interior and exterior design. Oak Knoll Books has new acquisitions in the field of books about books. Peter Harrington offers a summer miscellany, even if this is a bit late in the season.


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