Rare Book Monthly

Articles - December - 2017 Issue

Bolerium: G R O W I N G

Bolerium is back in the news.  They have taken over an additional 1,700 square feet at 2141 Mission in San Francisco.  The space was previously occupied by Libros Latinos.  John Durham, the proprietor, explains “we are growing like a weed.”


The firm has two specialties:  pornography and 20th century labor history.  According to some folks they are the same subject although in the shop they are tastefully separated.


The labor history is particularly appealing as the prices tend to be quite reasonable and the material instinctively understandable.


The additional space will allow the steady flow of incoming material to be more efficiently handled. 


Images attached to this article include:


Libros1: An overview of the room, from the desk that used to belong to Alfonso Vijil of Libros Latinos. Now this is where I work, often blasting music as I sort through boxes and catalog.

Libros2: The extensive shelving at the back of the room has given us more space to array our files of cataloged pamphlets…

Libros3:  … and to sort out uncataloged items, like these political newsletters, to try to put together runs that we can sell. We have a couple hundred boxes of unsorted serials yet to tackle.

Libros4: Just after we got the new space, a collection of over 200 boxes of Chinese books came in. This used to be a wall four boxes high. I’ve whittled it down and sent about 100 boxes of perfectly good but inexpensive books to the Friends of the SF Public Library. Now I spend time every day sorting the remainder and cataloging them. Unfortunately I’m the only one in the shop who can do this because nobody else here reads Chinese. There have been enough treasures in the collection to keep me excited about it. For example, a handwritten manual of oaths and ceremonies for members of the secret Hongmen Society.

Libros5: When spring comes, we’ll have a (somewhat) front seat view of Carnival and other parades on Mission Street.


Their address is 2141 Mission Street, #300, San Francisco 94110. 


Hours:  Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.  Saturday Noon to 6:00pm


Telephone:  415.863-6363


Email Address:  info@bolerium.com

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