Rare Book Monthly

Articles - May - 2018 Issue

Annual Rose City Book & Paper Fair in Portland, Oregon, Set for June 15-16

Rose City Fair Set for June 15-16.

Rose City Fair Set for June 15-16.

It's time once again for book collectors in the Pacific Northwest to mark their calendars for the annual Rose City Book & Paper Fair. This is the twelfth such yearly event set to take place in the "Rose City," Portland Oregon. This year's dates are Friday, June 15 - Saturday, June 16. Doors will be open Friday from 2:00-8:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


This year figures to be the biggest and best show ever. Over 60 exhibitors have already signed up. They come from around the Northwest, some a bit farther, and offer a wide variety of material. There are rare, antiquarian, and collectible books, as well as used and bargain ones. There will be much in the way of ephemera, those generally smaller printed items usually quite uncommon as they weren't meant to last. That includes material such as advertisements and brochures, fascinating to look back on when they come from another time. Also becoming increasingly popular these days are prints and photographs, artwork ideal for mounting on a wall. And, there will be door prizes for some lucky visitors.


The price of admission remains a more than reasonable $3, and that goes to support the Children's Book Bank and SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). Once again, the fair will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel, at 1000 NE Multnomah in Portland, Oregon 97232.


The Rose City Book & Paper Fair is hosted by the Cascade Booksellers Association.

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