Rare Book Monthly

Articles - January - 2020 Issue

Thirteen New Catalogues Reviewed to Start the New Year

Thirteen new catalogues.

Thirteen new catalogues.

We start the new year with 13 new catalogues to review. The Great American Cattle Co. offers the works of western/cowboy author and artist Will James. His western tales were based on personal experiences. Even if occasionally embellished, he was the real deal. Boston Rare Maps features what are known as “persuasive” maps. They were less meant to portray geography than to convince you of the mapmaker's point of view.


Pazzo Books offers a cookery for those chefs looking to prepare some old-fashioned dishes. Jonathan A. Hill Bookseller will help you grow produce for those classic recipes with some old-time advice on agriculture and produce. Or, L & T Respess Books can provide the meat and fish with a collection of books on hunting & fishing in the American South.


The William Reese Co. offers a selection of broadsides and broadsheets, those single page posters, hand-outs, and announcements that once conveyed the latest news, along with advertising and other information. John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller has a selection of everyone's favorite type of book – children's books. Patrick McGahern Books focuses on Canadiana, with a little Americana on the side. The Veatchs Arts of the Book features selections from the book arts.


Raptis Rare Books covers a variety of subjects in their latest catalogue. Whitmore Rare Books and Ursus Rare Books each prepared holiday catalogues. Shapero Rare Books issued a collection titled “Present Indicative,” and we will leave it to you to figure out what that means.


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