Rare Book Monthly

Articles - May - 2020 Issue

Bookselling In A Time Of Coronavirus

Bookshops in the News - Pandemic Edition: 


Whether bricks and mortar shop or online operation, booksellers commanded their share of media attention recently as, like other small businesses, they struggled to stay afloat in difficult times. Many of these stories reflect a surprising level of optimism coupled with an urgent need for cash.


San Francisco: City Lights

City Lights, the iconic San Francisco North Beach landmark, long associated with the Beats and for many years publishers of a popular poetry series, is in need of instant cash infusion. 


Presto-Chango! An online fundraising campaign just raised over $400k to ward off closing, the bulk of that money received in contributions of under $100. (clapping emoji) 




The Guardian reports how Parnassus Books in Nashville run by novelist Ann Patchett is weathering the crisis.



Salt Lake City- Storytelling, discounts and curbside service






Portland, Ore: 

Powell’s struggles to survive reported by PBS



Newark, NJ: 

Source of Knowledge in Newark was a vibrant part of the community before the coronavirus outbreak. It's one of two African American-owned bookstores left in the state. They got detailed coverage on NPR and they also have a GoFundMe page.










BOOKSHOP.org launches as an aide to indies: Yet another player in the one stop shop for reading material. The launch of Bookshop.org covered by Time as a possible (distant) rival to Amazon and a new wrinkle in the strength in numbers concept.





SUPPORTING INDIES: Overview from “Entertainment,”

Lots of good ideas from surprise package to mutual assistance deals



Boston To Berlin: Indie Bookstores Weather Corona Crisis Closures, Creatively Forbes posts an overview



LA area Book Dealers Scrambling to Stay Afloat https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2020-03-17/across-la-booksellers-are-scrambling-to-stay-afloat-amid-coronavirus-concerns


BOOKSELLER BENEVOLENT FUND: any port in the storm, you don’t have to be an ABAA member to apply for help from the organizations benevolent fund. Contributions are also always welcome.


Posted On: 2020-05-01 08:48
User Name: mbook

As a one old man bookseller in Norfolk UK, I feel guilty, as a hoarder i have lots of unsorted stock, I sell 99% online at abebooks, my sales have gone up, but again mostly the low end sales of £20- £30 each. As i deal mainly in old & rare books i now have lots of time to research a book, and check the pages to price it for abe, and happy if i have the time to average 5 - 10 a day., I have a backlog of at least 5 years unsorted books, not to mention my ephemera which i mainly sell at the two Ephemera Society fairs in London, though this years summer fair has sadly been cancelled. Malcolm Books.

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