Rare Book Monthly

Articles - August - 2020 Issue

Help A Salt Lake City and American Tradition Survive the Virus

Ken Sanders Rare Books has been serving customers throughout the American West and beyond for most of five decades from their store in Salt Lake City. The book business has been challenging in recent years, so many shops having had to close, but KSRB has been a legend for years and its loyal customers have kept the shop going through the lean years. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has thrown a monkey wrench, to borrow another legendary western phrase, into the mix. Sales have been cut in half as traffic has slowed to a crawl as people are reluctant to venture out. Help is needed to keep Ken Sanders Rare Books going through these hard times until book collectors can once again venture freely to their favorite haunts.


What can you do to help? There is an answer. A GoFundMe site has been opened to raise the funds needed to keep Ken Sanders Rare Books open until business returns to normal. It is easy to contribute. Just go to Save Ken Sanders Rare Books and click on the “Donate Now” link. It is that simple. Anything you can add will be appreciated, not just by Ken Sanders, but book lovers throughout the American West.


Here is a link to the Save Ken Sanders Rare Books GoFundMe page, and thank you: https://www.gofundme.com/f/g5u35-save-ken-sanders-rare-books

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