Rare Book Monthly

Articles - September - 2022 Issue

It doesn’t have to be old to be gold: RR Auctions is offering 21 items

Elon Musk in 1995

Elon Musk in 1995

Elon Musk was once a mortal and had an appealing girlfriend when he was a student at the University of Pennsylvania where he and she lived and worked as Resident Advisors in 1995.  The relationship was fleeting, family members met, and in time some pictures were taken and kept.  Elon went on and on and on and Jennifer Gwynne, his girlfriend, found a lasting love and made a life with two children now in tow.


Being practical, and remembering she had a few souvenirs, she contacted RR Auctions wondering if her 21 items relating to Elon, might be converted into money she and her husband could invest in their children’s educations.


Bingo those 21 keepsakes will soon be changing hands on September 14th.


Lest you be interested, be aware others are too.  In general the estimates are slim and the bidding is early.  Nevertheless, there are already bids on every item.  A birthday card with terms of endearment has 13 breathless bidders demanding, “mine, mine, mine.”  A necklace he bestowed, the only lot that can be worn, has already received 22 bids.  My personal favorite, a photograph of Mr. Musk suspended upside down, should be purchased by Mary Barra, the Chief Executive Officer of General Motors.  She is committed to turning Elon’s life upside down in real life.


Given that the goal of selling these items is to improve the lives of Jennifer’s children, you never know if one of the big money guys might show up in the bidding to make a significant difference.  If so, we’ll know on the 14th.   


Here is a link to the sale:   https://www.rrauction.com/search/results/?navsearch=true&str=musk&cp=current-auctions

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