Rare Book Monthly

Articles - November - 2022 Issue

The 21st Paris Map Fair Will Be held on November 5

Europe on the brink of the Second World War.

Europe on the brink of the Second World War.

The 21st Paris Map, Globe and Scientific Instruments Fair, often called simply the Paris Map Fair, will take place on Saturday, November 5. It is again being held at the Hotel Ambassador in the heart of Paris. Hours are 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. There is no charge for admission. There is a cocktail reception the preceding night, also at the Ambassador. It is free to the public but reservations are required. It offers a chance to meet some of the dealers in an informal setting.


The fair, organized by Librairie Loeb-Larocque and Le Zograscope, features atlases, globes, and travel books, along with maps and scientific instruments. Dealers are not just from France but from throughout Europe and around the world. Other countries represented include the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Cyprus and Spain. From Asia there is a dealer from South Korea. From the English speaking world there are Daniel Crouch Rare Books and others from the U.K., from America, Barry Ruderman, Neatline Antique Maps, and others.


There will also be a small expo of “Conflict Maps – 1735-2022.” Europe seems to have always been at war with itself so there are lots of opportunities for war maps. However, there are others such as Jean-Baptiste Jacques de Beaurain’s map of the theater of the American Revolutionary War, created in anticipation of France joining forces with the newly proclaimed United States. There is a much more recent map, 2022 in fact, covering Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. War never ceases.


To get a preview of the type of items to be offered at the fair, there is a virtual catalogue you can visit at the following link: map-fair.com/catalog.html.

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