Rare Book Monthly

Articles - April - 2023 Issue

Book Fairs in New York, in person and online

Book fairs have long been a part of a book dealer’s selling options.  Covid changed the world in 2020 and stimulated fresh thinking about how shows could be experienced from afar.  Three years later, many of the Covid protocols are being relaxed, and the book collecting world is finding some of the new ideas developed during Covid weren’t just stop-gap alternatives after all.  They are good enough to continue into the post-Covid world.


Marvin Getman was one of the original developers of the concept during early-Covid and has since turned it into a year round worldwide parade of electronic events.  He originally worked out his ideas in the New York area and it’s now logical that his electronic fair will run cheek by jowl with the New York Rare Book in-person Fair.


The New York Rare Book in-person Fair at the Park Avenue Armory will soon open in the traditional way on April 27th and continue through April 30th, with several hundred exhibitors and thousands of guests. 


And, two days ahead of that in-person fair Getman’s New York City Virtual Satellite Book and Ephemera Fair will open Wednesday April 26th at noon EST and will wrap up Friday April 28th at 8:00 pm EST.  The Getman events provide an opportunity to non-ABAA members to dip their toes in the online show market.


Mr. Getman recently gave us an update:


“Business is good as the virtual format is becoming an important part of the sales stream for rare books and ephemera. My third NY Virtual Satellite fair expects between 60 to 70 dealers and at least 1500 items for sale. It will run ahead of the Armory Fair. Dealers who are doing both the armory fair or the shadow fair will have banners on their pages inviting people to visit their booths at either of those fairs.  I see my mission is showing people how virtual fairs and live events can live happily side by side.”


The New York International Antiquarian Book Fair, both for exhibitors and shoppers, attracts somewhat different audiences.  This in-person fair is the preeminent rare book event in the world.  While the Getman organization has become the gold standard for online fairs throughout the year and around the world where more than 30,000 book dealers, collectors, librarians and curators, check in, follow and sometimes order. 


If you are in the New York area, towards the end of month, think books and collectible paper.  Join online with the Getman organization and then get into the Big Apple to visit the NYIABF and their cousin The Fine Press Association nearby on the 29th.

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