Rare Book Monthly

Articles - December - 2023 Issue

Overdue Library Book Returned 90 Years Late

Library card shows it was due on October 11, 1933. It was returned a little late (Larchmont Library Facebook photo).

Library card shows it was due on October 11, 1933. It was returned a little late (Larchmont Library Facebook photo).

We have another story in the run of long overdue library books being returned out of the blue, to the surprise of librarians. This one came back to the Larchmont Public Library in Larchmont, New York. This book was returned just in time not to be 90 years overdue. Instead it was only 89 years, 11 months, and some number of days late.


The book was returned from Virginia by the stepdaughter of the man who borrowed it in 1933. His name was Jimmie Ellis and he was an advertising executive in New York City. He lived in Larchmont, just a few block from the library. It was sent back from Virginia as it was found in a summer cottage the family owned in Hot Springs, Virginia.


The book in question was published in 1925. The title is Youth and Two Other Stories by Joseph Conrad. Unfortunately, this was not a first edition of a book by a then unknown but now famous author worth tens of thousands of dollars. That has happened in just 25 years with some of those library copies of the first edition of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. There's a copy of this edition of Conrad offered for sale on AbeBooks right now for $15. This book is more likely fodder for a library book sale.


So, how much is the late book fee? The library estimated at the then going rate of $0.20 per day, that would be over $6,450. However, there was a limitation on that amount. The maximum fine was $5. There is no indication the library charged her even that since the finder was not the borrower, though it's doubtful that even the maximum fine would have broken her thanks to the limitation.

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