Dominic Winter Book Auctions: British and European Paintings, Old Master and Modern Works on Paper, 72524, Gloucestershire

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 25, 2024 - July 25, 2024
Page Size: 143 items in 6 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
19 Wolgemut (Michael, 1434-1519)

The Baptism of Christ, 1491, woodcut, hand-coloured

1491 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 1,240.00
20 Durer (Albrecht, 1471-1528)

The Abduction of Proserpina, 1516, etching

1516 GBP 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 GBP 6,200.00
21 Van Leyden (Lucas, 1494-1533)

David Playing the Harp before Saul, circa 1508

circa 1508 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 930.00
22 Cranach (Lucas, 1472-1553)

Christ Taken Captive, 1509, woodcut on laid paper

1509 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 669.60
23 Altdorfer (Albrecht, 1480-1538)

Maxmillian as Architect, circa 1515, woodcut on laid paper

circa 1515 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 6,200.00
24 Hopfer (Hieronymus, 1528-1563)

The Landscape with Cannon, after Durer, 1520--1550

1520--1550 GBP 500.00 - 800.00 GBP 620.00
25 Raimundi (Marcantonio, 1480-1534)

Nativity, circa 1510-1530

circa 1510-1530 GBP 700.00 - 1,000.00 GBP 4,464.00
27 Vico (Enea, 1523-1567)

Frieze with Rinceaux, a Siren and Four Children, circa 1541

circa 1541 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 186.00
29 Ghisi (Adamo, 1520-1582)

Allegory of Servitude after Mantegna, 1573..., and one other

1573 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 198.40
31 Goltzius (Hendrick, 1558-1617)

Cliff on a Seashore, 1597-1600, chiaroscuro woodcut

1597-1600 GBP 1,500.00 - 2,000.00 GBP 3,968.00
33 Callot (Jacques)

The Fair at Gondreville, circa 1624-25, and others

circa 1624-25 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold
34 Muller (Jan Harmensz., 1571--1628)

Venus and Mercury, after Bartholomeus Spranger

GBP 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
36 Collaert (Adriaen, circa 1560-1618)

Avium Vivae Icones, circa 1600-1610, six engravings

circa 1600-1610 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 446.40
39 Sadeler (Aegidius, 1570-1629)

Portrait of Tobias Scultetus, 1610..., and others

1610 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 186.00
40 Thomassin (Philippe, 1562-1622)

Battle of the Lapiths, after Bernadino Passeri, 1617-1619

1617-1619 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 2,108.00
42 Callot (Jacques, 1592-1635)

Woman and Cat..., circa 1622-23..., and others

circa 1622-23 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 396.80
45 Reni (Guido, 1575-1642)

Infant Christ and St. John the Baptist, circa 1595-1600, etching

circa 1595-1600 GBP 400.00 - 600.00 GBP 446.40
46 Kilian (Lucas, 1579-1637)

Portrait of Johann Furleger, 1626

1626 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 248.00
48 Rembrandt (van Rijn, 1606-1669)

The Raising of Lazarus, 1632, etching, 8th state

1632 GBP 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 GBP 8,060.00
49 Callot (Jacques, 1592-1635)

Vita et Historia Beatae Mariae Virginis Matris Dei, 1633..., and others

1633 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold
50 Rembrandt (van Rijn, 1606-1669)

Self Portrait in a Velvet Cap with Plume, 1638, etching

1638 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 248.00
54 Rembrandt (Harmensz van Rijn, 1606-1669)

A Woman Making Water, 1631, etching

1631 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold
55 Galle (Joannes, 1600-1676)

Omnes Sancti. O quam gloriosum est regnum..., and others

GBP 400.00 - 600.00 Not Sold
56 Lommelin (Adriaen, circa 1687- circa 1677)

Marie de Barbancon, Princess of Arenberg, circa 1645

circa 1645 GBP 300.00 - 400.00 Not Sold
57 Vorsterman (Lucas, 1595-1675)

Portrait of Jacques Callot..., circa 1645

circa 1645 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold