New England Book Auctions: Photography, Fine Books, Prints - Online 6/27, 530, South Deerfield

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 30, 2024 - July 30, 2024
Page Size: 231 items in 10 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Original photograph of Robert Louis Stevenson and King Kalakaua of Hawaii.

Hawaii 19th-century Not Available USD 960.00
101 Herbert, Henry

The Hotels of Europe.

London: Henry Herbert 1880 Not Available USD 72.00
102 Hiroshige Utagawa

Japan, Late 19th-century [100/150]

Not Available USD 72.00
103 Hirschfeld, Al

Anita Ellis Live. The Ballroom.

New York 1987 Not Available Not Sold
104 Hirschfeld, Al

Groucho: a Life in Revue [Frank Ferrante.] Fine etching.

Np nd Not Available USD 600.00
105 Hugo, Victor

Les Miserables.

New York: 1938 Not Available USD 300.00

Incunable Leaves. Group of 6 leaves.

Vp 15th-century Not Available USD 180.00

Collection of facsimile woodblocks and woodblock books.

Boston Circa 1980s Not Available USD 84.00

Two ambrotypes housed in original Kiri-wood cases.

Japan Meiji period Not Available USD 390.00

Fine Kakejiku of a single carp in the "inaba-goi" style (a fin at the center appears to be added later).

Japan Circa 1900 Not Available USD 120.00
110 (Kandinsky, Wassily)

Heidutzek, Peter. Linolschnittstudien uber Wassily Kandinsky.

(Dusseldorf 1976 Not Available USD 60.00
111 Keppel, Philip


American nd Not Available USD 24.00
112 Koncalovskij, Peter

Dom Kultury Bratislava.

Slovakia 1969 Not Available USD 24.00
113 Kuch, Michael

Original watercolor of 3 angels dancing on the head of a pin.

Np 2002 Not Available USD 36.00
114 Kuniyoshi

Color woodblock triptych.

Japan 1840s? Not Available USD 156.00
115 Lawrence, Richard

Group of 3 original watercolors, as listed below.

Lunenburg, MA vd Not Available USD 84.00
116 Le Clerc, Jean

Reflections Upon what the World Commonly call Good-luck and Ill-luck, With regard to Lotteries.

London: 1699 Not Available USD 720.00

Leopoldina Colony. Group of 5 documents, as listed below.

Vp vd Not Available USD 60.00
118 Letarouilly, Paul

Edifices de Rome Moderne.

London Circa 1928 Not Available USD 96.00
119 Levasseur, Victor

Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France.

Paris: A. Combette 1845 Not Available USD 180.00
120 [Liberotti, Giovanni]

Liberotti impronte.

Rome 1820s-30s Not Available USD 1,320.00
121 Llinas, Guido


Np nd Not Available USD 48.00
122 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Complete Writings.

Boston and New York: 1904 Not Available USD 330.00
123 Loos, Anita

Autograph Letter Signed, to Mr. J. John Munson, discussing writing "Gentlemen Prefer Blonds." 1 page.

California 1935 Not Available USD 300.00
124 Louys, Pierre

Les Chansons Secretes de Bilitis.

Paris 1938 Not Available USD 60.00