Kedem Auctions Ltd.: Online Auction: Jewish History and Zionism – Books – Art – Photography – Prints and Maps – Numismatics, 54a, Jerusalem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 23, 2024 - July 23, 2024
Page Size: 299 items in 12 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Large Collection of "Shana Tovah" Greeting Cards -- Members of the Knesset, Ministers and Government Offices

Not Available Not Sold

Collection of Shanah Tova Greeting Cards -- Israeli Politicians and Government Officials -- First Decade of the 2000s -- Autograph Signatures and Inscriptions

First Decade of the 2000s Not Available USD 200.00

Assortment of Autograph "Shana Tovah" Greeting Cards -- Authors, Artists and Intellectuals -- Shana Tovah Hand-Written by S. Y. Agnon

Not Available USD 400.00
204 Moses Montefiore

Moses Montefiore -- Book Binding Bearing His Handwritten Signature, with Bookplate

Not Available USD 500.00
205 Emile Zola

Emile Zola -- Engraved Portrait, with Zola's Autograph Dedication -- Ca. Late 19th Century

Ca. Late 19th Century Not Available Not Sold
206 Hayim Nahman Bialik

Hayim Nahman Bialik -- Signed Autograph Postcard -- Odessa, 1905 -- "Disturbance and Disorder Across the Land -- Who Can Tell when It Ends"

Odessa 1905 Not Available USD 475.00
207 Hayim Nahman Bialik

"Sefer HaDevarim" -- Poems by Hayim Nahman Bialik, Illustrations by Tom Seidmann-Freud -- Autograph Dedication by Bialik -- Jerusalem-Berlin, 1922

Jerusalem-Berlin 1922 Not Available USD 875.00
208 Solomon ibn Gabirol

The Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol -- With a Dedication by Chaim Nachman Bialik to Shoshana Persitz, from the Eve before his Departure to Palestine -- March, 1924

1924 Not Available USD 450.00
209 S. Y. Agnon

S. Y. Agnon -- Pair of Books Dedicated to Shoshana Persitz, with Long, Rhymed Poem in Agnon's Handwriting

Not Available USD 375.00
210 Leah Goldberg

Autograph Poem by Leah Goldberg -- "R.M. Rilke"

Not Available USD 750.00
211 Leah Goldberg

Leah Goldberg -- Book with Hand-Painted Illustrations, 1966 -- With Autograph Dedication to Composer Rivka Gvili-Broide

1966 Not Available USD 350.00
212 Yosef Haim Brenner

Yosef Haim Brenner -- Autograph Letter to Doctor Aryeh David Friedmann -- Jaffa, 1920 -- Hygiene Rules for Workers in Palestine

Jaffa 1920 Not Available Not Sold
213 Devorah Baron, Jacob Fichman, David Yellin, and Others

Collection of Letters -- Devorah Baron, Jacob Fichman, David Yellin, and Others

Not Available USD 600.00

"Ahad Ha'am" -- Autograph Letter Sent to Joseph Klausner -- November 1903 -- Appointment of a New Editor for "HaShilo'ach"

1903 Not Available USD 300.00
215 Joseph Klausner

Collection of Forty-Five Autograph Letters and Postcards -- Sent by Joseph Klausner to Abraham Kahana, 1895-1938

1895-1938 Not Available Not Sold
216 Martin Buber

Martin Buber -- "The Demand of the Spirit and Historical Reality", 1938 -- Bibliophile Edition with Handwritten Dedication by Hans Kohn

1938 Not Available USD 275.00
217 Gershom Scholem

Autograph Letter Signed by Gershom Scholem -- Jerusalem, 1962

Jerusalem 1962 Not Available Not Sold
218 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Letter on the Occasion of Nathan Alterman's 50th Birthday

Not Available USD 625.00
219 David Ben Gurion

Assortment of Letters by David Ben Gurion to Mordechai Maklef, 1952-1953 / Seven Photographs of Maklef

1952-1953 Not Available Not Sold
220 Chaim Weizmann and Yaakov Dori

Visiting Card, Hand-Signed by President Chaim Weizmann and Chief of the General Staff Yaakov Dori / Invitation to "Yom HaTzava" (Military Day) and a Shanah Tovah Greeting Card Bearing Dori's Signature -- 1948-1949

Not Available USD 187.50
221 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Autograph Letter to Moshe Dayan, on the Occasion of the Birth of His Granddaughter, 1964

1964 Not Available USD 1,250.00
222 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Signed Autograph Letter -- Sde Boker, 1960 -- Greetings for the Laying of the Cornerstone of the B'nai B'rith House in Tel Aviv

Sde Boker 1960 Not Available USD 200.00
223 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Two Autograph Letters -- Sde Boker, 1960s

Sde Boker 1960s Not Available USD 525.00
224 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Pungent Letter Regarding the Yossele Schumacher Affair -- Jerusalem, June 1962

Jerusalem 1962 Not Available USD 2,500.00
225 David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion -- Signed Photograph

Not Available Not Sold