Kedem Auctions Ltd.: Part 2 Online Auction: Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Objects and Photographs, 54b, Jerusalem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 24, 2024
Page Size: 251 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Poster for the Month of Adar -- Micrography of Megillat Esther -- Eretz Israel, Late 19th or Early 20th Century

Eretz Israel, Late 19th or Early 20th Century Not Available USD 425.00

The Worms Machzor -- Elaborate Facsimile

Not Available USD 1,250.00

Two Miniature Siddurim -- Printed in Italy, 19th Century

Printed in Italy 19th Century Not Available USD 200.00

Collection of Siddurim and Prayer Books

Not Available USD 500.00

Collection of Chassidic Prayer Books -- Hakafot / Ushpizin / Chanukah Candle Lighting

Not Available USD 250.00

Kinot for Tishah BeAv -- Lviv, 1840 / Tehillim in Pocket Format -- Vilna, 1885 / Oseh Pele -- Jerusalem, 1902

Lviv / Vilna / Jerusalem 1840 / 1885 / 1902 Not Available USD 200.00

Italian-Rite Machzor -- Venice, 1772 / Tehillim -- Mantua, 1777 / Me'il Tzedakah and Bigdei Kodesh -- Venice, 1748

Venice /Mantua / Venice 1772 /1777 / 1748 Not Available USD 550.00

Tehillim and Ketuvim, With Latin Translation -- Leiden, 1608-1615 -- Printed by Plantin

Leiden 1608-1615 Not Available USD 250.00

Tehillim with Commentary of Radak -- Amsterdam, 1806

Amsterdam 1806 Not Available USD 150.00

Chumash Set -- Beit David -- With Sephardic Rite Shabbat Prayers -- Lviv, 1909 -- Five Volumes

Lviv 1909 Not Available USD 62.50

Esther Scroll Printed on Paper, in Miniature Format -- Europe, 19th/20th Century

Europe 19th/20th Century Not Available USD 150.00

Hilchot Rav Alfas (Rif) -- Berachot-Eruvin -- Sabbioneta, 1554

Sabbioneta 1554 Not Available USD 275.00

Tractate Yevamot -- Vienna, 1862 -- Approbation of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz

Vienna 1862 Not Available USD 150.00

Mishnah Seder Kodashim -- Furth, 1741 -- Signature of Rabbi Moshe Hamel Segal, Rabbi of Baiersdorf -- Son of Gluckel of Hameln

Furth 1741 Not Available USD 375.00

Passover Haggadah -- Amsterdam, 1712 -- With Map of Eretz Israel

Amsterdam 1712 Not Available Not Sold

Passover Haggadah -- Arba Yesodot -- Hebrew Version of Commentary -- Amsterdam, 1783

Amsterdam 1783 Not Available Not Sold

Passover Haggadah -- Arba Yesodot -- Yiddish Version of Commentary -- Amsterdam, 1783

Amsterdam 1783 Not Available Not Sold

Three Illustrated Passover Haggadot -- Livorno, 1904-1935

Livorno 1904-1935 Not Available Not Sold

Passover Haggadah -- Jerusalem, 1842 -- First Haggadah Printed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem 1842 Not Available USD 2,375.00

Chukat HaPesach, With Passover Haggadah -- Jerusalem, 1843 -- Second Haggadah Printed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem 1843 Not Available USD 450.00

Passover Haggadah -- Commentary of the Vilna Gaon -- Jerusalem, 1862

Jerusalem 1862 Not Available USD 400.00

Passover Haggadah -- Jerusalem, 1863 -- With Commentary of the Vilna Gaon on Chad Gadya and His Order of Recitation of the Korban Pesach -- Handwritten Glosses

Jerusalem 1863 Not Available USD 400.00

Azharot for Shavuot -- North African Rite -- Jerusalem, 1842 -- One of the First Books Printed in Jerusalem -- With Signature of Publisher

Jerusalem 1842 Not Available USD 425.00

Machzor Moadei Hashem and Keriei Moed -- Both Parts -- Jerusalem, 1843-1844 / With Rare Variant of First Leaves of Part II, With Completely Different Content

Jerusalem 1843-1844 Not Available USD 500.00

Tehillim, With Navah Tehillah Commentary -- Jerusalem, 1845 -- One of First Books Printed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem 1845 Not Available USD 1,875.00