Kedem Auctions Ltd.: Part 2 Online Auction: Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Objects and Photographs, 54b, Jerusalem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 24, 2024
Page Size: 251 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Levush -- Berditchev, 1818-1821 -- Printed by Rabbi Yisrael Bak -- Complete Five-Volume Set

Berditchev 1818-1821 Not Available USD 575.00

Sefer HaTerumot with the Gidulei Terumah Commentary -- Zhovkva, 1809 -- With Approbation of the Maggid of Kozhnitz and List of Subscribers Including Chassidic Leaders

Zhovkva 1809 Not Available USD 237.50

Tzon Kodashim -- Published at the Behest of the Chozeh of Lublin -- Lviv, 1811

Lviv 1811 Not Available USD 500.00

Collection of Halachic Books -- Printed in Russian and Poland -- 1801-1817

Russian and Poland 1801-1817 Not Available USD 1,125.00

"Eizeh Halachot MiYad HaChazakah" -- Five Volumes of the Censored Rambam, Published by the Ministry of Education in Tsarist Russia -- St. Petersburg, 1850-1852

St. Petersburg 1850-1852 Not Available USD 237.50

Mei Naftoach / Divrei David -- St. Petersburg-Leningrad, 1923-1928 -- Two Books Printed by the Rabbi of Leningrad Under the Bolshevik Regime

St. Petersburg-Leningrad 1923-1928 Not Available USD 87.50

Responsa Mayim Chaim -- Zhitomir, 1857 -- With a Responsum Letter from the Baal Shem Tov

Zhitomir 1857 Not Available USD 687.50
499 Rabbi Meshulam Feivish of Kremenets

Mishnat Chachamim -- By Rabbi Meshulam Feivish of Kremenets, Father-in-Law of Rabbi Avraham HaMalach and Great-Grandfather of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin -- First Edition, Ostroh, 1796

Ostroh 1796 Not Available USD 400.00

Yismach Lev (Chernobyl) -- Zhovkva, 1800 -- Second Edition

Zhovkva 1800 Not Available USD 500.00

Even Pinah (Strizov) -- Lviv, 1804 -- Approbation by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

Lviv 1804 Not Available USD 325.00

Divrei Shmuel / Nezir Hashem / Shemen HaTov -- Books of Rabbi Shmelka of Nikolsburg

Not Available USD 687.50

Noam Elimelech (Lizhensk) -- Collection of Editions -- Lviv, 1850-1875

Lviv 1850-1875 Not Available USD 1,187.50

Noam Elimelech (Lizhensk) -- Collection of Editions -- 1880s-1940s

1880s-1940s Not Available USD 875.00

Noam Elimelech -- New York, 1942 -- Segulah for Protection and Success -- With Rare Approbation by the Rebbe Rayatz

New York 1942 Not Available USD 250.00
506 Rebbe Eliezer of Lizhensk

Orach LaTzaddik (Rebbe Eliezer of Lizhensk) -- First Edition -- Warsaw, 1893 -- Segulah Book: "Every Person Should Purchase Blessing in His Home... And May the Merit of the Holy Author Protect You and May You be Saved in All Your Wishes"

Warsaw 1893 Not Available USD 237.50
507 Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

Kedushat Levi (by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev) -- Collection of Eight Editions Printed in Lviv and Galicia

Not Available USD 1,000.00
508 Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

Kedushat Levi (Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev) -- Collection of Editions -- 1876-1939

1876-1939 Not Available USD 500.00
509 Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

Kedushat Levi (Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev) -- On Pirkei Avot -- First Edition -- Lviv, 1862

Lviv 1862 Not Available USD 550.00

Sidduro Shel Shabbat -- Poritsk, 1817

Not Available USD 187.50
511 the Be'er Mayim Chaim

Shaar HaTefillah -- By the Be'er Mayim Chaim -- Sudylkiv, 1825 -- First Edition

Sudylkiv 1825 Not Available USD 875.00

Arvei Nachal -- Collection of Editions -- 1835-1855

1835-1855 Not Available USD 325.00

Megilat Setarim (by the Arvei Nachal) -- First Edition, Lviv, 1862 / Munkacs, 1910

Lviv / Munkacs 1862 / 1910 Not Available USD 212.50

Kad HaKemach (By Author of Arvei Nachal) -- First Edition -- Przemysl, 1898

Przemysl 1898 Not Available Not Sold

Birkat David (Buchach) -- Lviv, 1845 -- First Edition

Lviv 1845 Not Available USD 750.00

Hakdamah VeDerech LeEtz HaChaim (Zidichov) -- Lviv, After 1832

Lviv, After 1832 Not Available USD 250.00