Kedem Auctions Ltd.: Part 2 Online Auction: Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Objects and Photographs, 54b, Jerusalem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 24, 2024
Page Size: 251 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Hakdamah VeDerech LeEtz HaChaim (Zidichov) -- With Additions of Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov -- Lviv, 1850 -- First Edition of the Additions by the Bnei Yissachar

Lviv 1850 Not Available Not Sold
518 Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov

Collection of Books by Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, the Bnei Yissachar

Not Available USD 525.00

Or Yisrael (Kozhnitz) -- On Tikunei Zohar -- Czernowitz, 1862 -- First Edition

Czernowitz 1862 Not Available USD 425.00

Kohelet Moshe (Kozhnitz) Passover Haggadah -- First Edition -- Lublin, 1904

Lublin 1904 Not Available USD 400.00

Kitvei Kodesh MeChachmei Emet -- Lviv, 1862 -- First Edition

Not Available USD 250.00

Tosefot Chaim (Pistyn) -- First Edition -- Czernowitz-Lviv, 1861-1862 -- All Four Parts in One Volume

Czernowitz-Lviv 1861-1862 Not Available USD 175.00

Birkat Avraham (Disciple of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev) -- Warsaw, 1870 -- Only Edition

Warsaw 1870 Not Available USD 137.50

Ateret Tiferet Yisrael -- Warsaw, 1871 -- Segulah Book for Blessing, Protection and Success

Warsaw 1871 Not Available USD 1,625.00
525 Rabbi Yehoshua of Ostrow

Toldot Adam (By Rabbi Yehoshua of Ostrow) -- First Edition -- Jozefow, 1874

Jozefow 1874 Not Available USD 162.50

Revid HaZahav (Disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin) -- Both Parts -- First Edition -- Lviv, 1869 / Przemysl, 1876

Lviv / Przemysl 1869 / 1876 Not Available USD 375.00

Tehor Raayonim (by a Disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin) -- First Editions -- Different Variants

Not Available Not Sold

Tiferet Shlomo (Radomsk) on the Torah -- Piotrkow, 1889 / Fohrenwald, 1947 -- Segulah Book "to be Saved from All Distress and Trouble"

Piotrkow / Fohrenwald 1889 / 1947 Not Available USD 525.00

Eretz Tzvi -- Prague, 1786 / Asarah LaMeah -- Rodelheim, 1828 -- By Father of Rabbi Simchah Bunim of Peshischa

Prague / Rodelheim 1786 / 1828 Not Available USD 275.00
530 Rabbi Bunim of Peshischa

Kol Simchah by Rabbi Bunim of Peshischa -- First Edition -- Breslau, 1859

Breslau 1859 Not Available USD 625.00

Responsa HaRim (Ger) -- Jozefow, 1867 -- Segulah Book for Stopping a Plague

Jozefow 1867 Not Available USD 275.00

Chiddushei HaRim (First Rebbe of Ger) -- Collection of First Editions

Not Available USD 187.50

Sefat Emet on the Torah (Second Rebbe of Ger) -- First Edition -- Five-Volume Set -- Piotrkow-Cracow, 1905-1908

Piotrkow-Cracow 1905-1908 Not Available USD 600.00

Collection of Books -- Ciechanow-Strikov Chassidic Dynasty

Not Available USD 250.00
535 Rebbe of Grodzisk

Two Books by the Rebbe of Grodzisk -- Imrei Elimelech -- Warsaw, 1876 / Divrei Elimelech (Part II) -- Warsaw, 1891 -- First Editions

Not Available USD 400.00

Ohev Yisrael (Apta) -- Munkacs, 1899 / Siftei Tzaddikim (Dinovitz and Apta) -- Lviv, 1865 / Warsaw, 1909

Munkacs / Lviv / Warsaw 1899 / 1865 / 1909 Not Available Not Sold

Kohelet David (Tolna) -- First Edition -- Lublin, 1881

Lublin 1881 Not Available USD 812.50

Beit Aharon (Karlin) -- Warsaw, 1927 -- Third Edition

Warsaw 1927 Not Available USD 125.00

Rishpei Esh HaShalem -- Rebbe Mordechai of Neshchiz -- First Edition -- Piotrkow, 1907

Piotrkow 1907 Not Available USD 75.00
540 Rebbe Tzvi of Zidichov

Toldot Avraham -- Przemysl, 1882 -- Chassidic Approbations -- Approbation by Rebbe Tzvi of Zidichov Calling on Chassidim to Purchase the Book -- Approbation by Minchat Chinuch Calling for All who Fear God and Love Torah to Purchase the Book

Przemysl 1882 Not Available USD 137.50

Torat Chaim (Kosov) -- Second Edition -- Lviv, 1883 / Third Edition -- Kolomyia, 1883

Lviv / Kolomyia 1883 / 1883 Not Available Not Sold