Kedem Auctions Ltd.: Part 2 Online Auction: Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Objects and Photographs, 54b, Jerusalem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 24, 2024
Page Size: 251 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Responsa Perach Mateh Aharon -- Amsterdam, 1703

Amsterdam 1703 Not Available USD 125.00
618 Rabbi Baruch Feitusi

Mekor Baruch, by Rabbi Baruch Feitusi -- Livorno, 1790 -- Signatures and Glosses of Rabbi Yosef Or Shraga, Rabbi of Yazd (Persia)

Livorno 1790 Not Available USD 450.00
619 the Pele Yoetz

Orot Elim -- Thessaloniki, 1823 -- First Book by the Pele Yoetz -- First Edition

Thessaloniki 1823 Not Available USD 1,000.00

Pri Etz Hadar -- Seder Tu BiShvat -- Constantinople, 1824 -- Ladino

Constantinople 1824 Not Available USD 112.50

Collection of Books -- Livorno Presses

Livorno Presses Not Available USD 475.00

Three Textbooks and Halachic Books -- Livorno, 1844-1851

Livorno 1844-1851 Not Available USD 175.00

Zeh Ketav Yadi -- Aleppo, 1872 -- With Fine Dedication by Author Rabbi Yeshayah Dayan

Aleppo 1872 Not Available USD 212.50

Two Printed Items from North Africa

Not Available USD 100.00

Collection of Leaves with Inscriptions and Signatures -- North Africa and Eastern Countries

North Africa and Eastern Countries Not Available Not Sold

Collection of Polemical and Historical Booklets Printed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Not Available USD 200.00

Collection of Publications by the Etz Chaim Institutions

Not Available USD 150.00

Collection of Calendars -- Calendars with Laws and Customs of Eretz Israel and of Etz Chaim Institutions / Jewish National Fund Calendars

Not Available USD 137.50

Large Collection of Color Lithograph Posters and Documents -- Jerusalem, First Half of the 20th Century -- Membership Certificates, Nezer Gabaut, and Calendars

Jerusalem, First Half of the 20th Century Not Available USD 5,250.00

Collection of Receipts and Checks -- Signatures of South African and Jerusalem Rabbis

Not Available Not Sold

Collection of Posters -- Jerusalem Elections -- Mandatory Period

Not Available Not Sold

Collection of Posters -- Jerusalem, 1920s-1940s -- Protests Against Sports and Religious Desecration, Murder of de Haan and Rabbi Kook Controversy

Jerusalem 1920s-1940s Not Available USD 200.00

Rare Poster from Visit of the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch -- Jerusalem, 1929 -- Controversy on His Meeting with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook

Jerusalem 1929 Not Available USD 575.00

Collection of Posters and Paper Items -- Rabbi Kook -- Jerusalem, 1920s-1930s

Jerusalem 1920s-1930s Not Available USD 200.00
635 Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook

Marriage Certificate Signed by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook -- Jerusalem, Cheshvan 1930 / Additional Documents

Jerusalem, 1930 Not Available USD 212.50

Halachic Ruling of Rebbe Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Rubin of Ropshitz -- Safed, 1904

Not Available USD 625.00

Collection of Leaves from Emissary Notebooks -- Yeshiva of Ridvaz -- Safed and United States, 1910s-1920s -- With Letters of Recommendation from Rabbis

Safed and United States 1910s-1920s Not Available USD 150.00

Collection of Printed Receipts -- Safed and Tiberias, 1900s-1920s

Safed and Tiberias 1900s-1920s Not Available USD 1,375.00

Emissary Letter from Kosov Kollel -- Safed, 1930 -- With Letters of Confirmation Signed by Rabbis of Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberias -- Rabbi Frank, Rabbi Silberman and Rabbi Kliers

Safed 1930 Not Available USD 450.00

Large Collection of Guarantee Cards of a Bank in Safed, 1920s-1950s

1920s-1950s Not Available USD 75.00

Employment Contract of Klezmer Musician -- Safed, 1911 -- With Reference to Work on Purim and Lag BaOmer

Safed 1911 Not Available USD 75.00