Catawiki B. V.: Old and Rare Books (Pre-1700), 71524, LA Assen,

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 15, 2024 - July 15, 2024
Page Size: 92 items in 4 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
85793469 Paolo Giovio

Gli Elogi. Vite brevemente scritte d'huomini illustri di Guerra

1557 EUR 375.00 - 450.00 EUR 126.44
85795107 Andrea Argoli

De diebus criticis et aegrorum decubitu libri duo [Astronomy]

1652 EUR 1,400.00 - 1,600.00 EUR 432.73
85795329 Joannis Fabri

Palladium Spagyricum

1632 EUR 600.00 - 750.00 EUR 277.95
85801967 M.A. Mureti

Orationes, Epistolae & Poemata cum Praefatione...

1698 Not Available EUR 65.40
85806323 Thomas Hobbes

Leviathan: Of van de stoffe, gedaente, ende magt van de kerckelycke ende wereltlycke regeeringe

1667 Not Available EUR 938.49
85808143 Alonso de Villadiego Bascunana y Montoya

Instruccion politica y practica iudicial conforme al estilo de los consejos, audiencias y

1641 Not Available EUR 113.36
85808877 Justus Lipsius (1547-1606)

Epistolarum selectarum III. Centurae: Equibus

1601 Not Available EUR 109.00
85811029 Ausonius

D. Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis Opera

1568 EUR 220.00 - 250.00 EUR 305.20
85819269 Aristotele

L' Organe

1589 EUR 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 EUR 1,090.00
85823899 Jan Goedart

Metamorphosis naturalis [1er travail sur les insectes d'Europe]

1662 EUR 700.00 - 1,200.00 EUR 681.25
85824935 Marci Antonij Rubei, Jacobus Cotta

Institutio pii loci magnificae pietatis bergomi, cum donatione ill., & excell. D. Bartholomae

1655 EUR 550.00 - 700.00 Not Sold
85827093 Master of Gruninger Workshop, Virgil

Aeneid, Juno summons Alecto, - 1517

1517 Not Available EUR 58.86
85827437 Hans Schauffelein

Battle scene, breaking siege; In Dutch 'Hoe does Conincx Antiochi sone Seleucid's den Coninck

1541 Not Available EUR 53.41
85827639 Conrad Gesner [1516-1565], Konrad Gessner

Kingfisher (Eisvogel), ornithology, folio with hand coloured woodcut

1582 Not Available EUR 261.60
85828963 Conrad Gesner [Konrad Gessner] 1516-1565

Herring fish, folio with 2 woodcuts - 1557

1557 Not Available EUR 27.25
85846213 Plaute

Plauti Comoediae

1619 EUR 200.00 - 250.00 EUR 164.59
85847737 Jean Papon

Instrument du premier notaire de Jean Papon

1598 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 EUR 327.00

Michel Dorigny (1616-1665), after Simon Vouet - Porticus reginae in Arcis Fontis-Bellaquae Vestibulo

1644 Not Available EUR 69.76
85858393 Isocrate

Tutte le orationi d'Isocrate Orator Atheniense tradotte in lingua italiana da Pietro Carrario dottor

1555 EUR 400.00 - 800.00 Not Sold
85859903 Conrad Gesner [1516-1565], Konrad Gessner

Common Blackbird (Amsel), ornithology, folio with hand coloured woodcut

1582 Not Available EUR 144.97
85860377 Caroli

Caroli V. Imp. Appellatio Ad Concilium Compluti

1527 Not Available EUR 603.86
85860553 Conrad Gesner [1516-1565], Konrad Gessner

White throated Dipper (Wasser Amsel), ornithology, folio with hand coloured woodcut

1582 Not Available EUR 148.24
85870731 Johannes Crocius

La Verite de la Religion reformee - Confession de Foi manuscrite

1645 Not Available EUR 141.70
85871159 Conrad Gesner

De Vrogallo

1555 Not Available EUR 222.36
85871455 Conrad Gesner

De Auibus

1555 Not Available EUR 81.75