Nate D. Sanders Auctions: July 2024 Auction, 72524, Los Angeles

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 25, 2024 - July 25, 2024
Page Size: 115 items in 5 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1 Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Letter Signed During WWII -- ''The power of resistance which has enabled the Jewish people to survive...our readiness to help one another is being put to an especially severe test''

1939 Not Available USD 86,316.00
2 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed, Analyzing a Dream -- ''...The critical dream exaggerated and destructive aggression...because you were inconsiderate towards your own egoistical demands...''

1943 Not Available USD 1,250.00
3 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Note Signed on His Personal Stationery

1947 Not Available Not Sold
4 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Note Signed -- ''...In honor of my (!) birthday, here is a small surprise for you from the munificent purse of the Great Mother...''

1943 Not Available Not Sold
5 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed -- ''...I wish you...the patient certainty that all of us are borne by a profound reason that not only gives us life but meaning as well...''

1943 Not Available Not Sold
6 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed Regarding the Biblical Poem ''Song of Songs''

1944 Not Available USD 1,000.00
7 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed on His Personal Stationery

1949 Not Available Not Sold
8 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Note Signed on His Personal Stationery

1950 Not Available Not Sold
9 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed -- ''...You recently broke into one of my dreams...''

1943 Not Available Not Sold
10 Carl Jung

Carl Jung Autograph Letter Signed -- Jung Describes a 12th Century Religious Symbol

1944 Not Available USD 1,774.00
11 Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize Awarded to ''Mr. Molecule'' Robert S. Mulliken -- Mulliken Invented Molecular Orbital Theory, the Revolutionary Equation that Unified Quantum Physics & Chemistry

1927 Not Available Not Sold
12 George W.

George W. Bush Signed Speech Delivered on 6 November 2001 --''...But a coalition partner must do more than just express sympathy; a coalition partner must perform...'' -- With Beckett COA

2001 Not Available USD 278.00
13 George W.

George W. Bush Signed Speech Delivered to Congress on 20 September 2001 -- Bush Calls on Nations to Choose a Side: ''Either you with us or you are with the terrorists'' -- With Beckett COA

2001 Not Available USD 188.00
14 George W.

George W. Bush Signed Speech Delivered on 19 March 2003, Announcing the Commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom -- With Beckett COA

2003 Not Available Not Sold
15 George W.

George W. Bush Signed ''Mission Accomplished'' Speech Delivered on 5 June 2003 to U.S. Soldiers Fighting in the Second Iraq War -- With Beckett COA

2003 Not Available Not Sold
16 George W.

George W. Bush Signed Excerpt from His Famous ''Bullhorn'' Speech at Ground Zero on 14 September 2001 -- Encapsulated by Beckett

2001 Not Available USD 206.00
17 Alexander Butterfield

Alexander Butterfield Signed Handwritten Manuscript, Documenting His Testimony Before the Watergate Committee That Led to Nixon's Resignation -- ''...I was aware of listening devices, yes sir...''

1973 Not Available Not Sold
18 Kathleen Willey

Kathleen Willey Autograph Essay Signed Describing Her Encounter with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office -- ''...Too many lives are being ruined...He is a reckless molester...''

Not Available Not Sold
19 Gennifer Flowers

Gennifer Flowers Handwritten & Signed Essay About Meeting and Being Seduced by Bill Clinton -- ''...I felt drained. I was annoyed and excited at the same time. Was this just a game for him?...''

1977 Not Available Not Sold
21 Barack Obama

Barack Obama Check Signed from the ''Friends of Barack Obama'' Bank Account

1998 Not Available Not Sold
27 Judah P. Benjamin

Judah P. Benjamin Signature -- Benjamin Was the Only Jewish Cabinet Member of the Confederacy

Not Available Not Sold
28 Dwight D. Eisenhower

Important Dwight D. Eisenhower Letter Signed Regarding D-Day -- Marked ''PERSONAL'', Eisenhower Describes in Detail Planning for Over 2 Years & Then Executing the Normandy Invasion

1967 Not Available USD 9,375.00

WWII German Luftwaffe Rare Photograph Album -- 189 Photos With Captions

Not Available USD 125.00
30 Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Document Signed as Recorder of Deeds

1884 Not Available USD 625.00
31 Elizabeth Eckford

Elizabeth Eckford Autograph Essay Signed Regarding Her First Day of School as Part of the ''Little Rock Nine'' When She Was Surrounded and Harassed by the White Mob

1957 Not Available Not Sold