Saffronart: Passages to India: A Journey Through Rare Books, Maps, Photographs, and Letters , 72424, Mumbai

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 25, 2024
Page Size: 93 items in 4 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1 Charles Wilkins

The Bhagvat-Geeta, or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon; in Eighteen Lectures; with Notes: Translated from the original, in the Sanskreet, or ancient language of the Brahmans

1785 USD 6,025.00 - 7,230.00 USD 23,133.00
2 Robert Montgomery Martin

The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India [3 Volumes]

London 1838 USD 1,510.00 - 1,810.00 USD 2,169.00
3 Robert Montgomery Martin

British India: Its History, Topography, Government, Military, Defence, Finance, Commerce, and Staple Products, with an Exposition of the Social and Religious State [12 Divisons]

London and New York n.d., but 1848 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 15,904.00
4 Captain Richard Barron

Taken at Kandelmund, which it represents, and the Toda family inhabiting (assigned by artist)

USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 3,470.00
5 Charles Richard Francis

Sketches of Native Life in India, with Views in Rajpootana, Simlah, etc.

London 1848 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 6,506.00
6 Thomas Pennant

The View of Hindoostan [2 Volumes]

London 1798 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 2,892.00
7 William Wood and William Daniell

Zoography; or, The Beauties of Nature Displayed. In Select Descriptions From the Animal, and Vegetable, and Additions From the Mineral Kingdom. Systematically Arranged. Illustrated With Plates Designed and Engraved by Mr. William Daniell [3 Volumes]

London 1807 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 3,181.00
8 Stuart Baker, Allan Hume and Marshall

Books on Ornithology [Set of 2]

Calcutta 1879-1881 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 4,337.00
9 Major George F L Marshall and Lionel De Niceville

The Butterflies of India, Burmah and Ceylon [3 Volumes]

1882-1890 USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 1,446.00
10 J F Fotheringham

Sporting Sketches and Scenes in India

[London] [1851] USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 3,614.00
11 Frederick Shoberl

The World in Miniatures: Hindoostan, Containing a Description of the Religion, Manners, Customs, Trades, Arts, Sciences, Literature, Diversions, & c. of the Hindoos [6 Volumes]

London No date, but 1822 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 4,627.00
12 Captain Robert Smith

Asiatic Costumes; A Series of Forty-Four Coloured Engravings, from designs taken from Life by Captain Smith, 44th Regiment: With a description to each subject

London 1828 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 13,012.00
13 John Forbes Watson

The Textile Manufactures and the Costumes of the People of India with plates, exhibiting numerous coloured photographs, etc.

London 1867 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 4,337.00
14 Lorenz (Laurent) Fries and Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy)

Tabula nova vtriusque Indiae

Published in Strasbourg. USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 3,181.00
15 Petrus Schenk (Pieter Schenck) the Elder

Haemisphaeriorum Tabula Carthesiana P Schenkii

USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 3,181.00
16 Pieter Mortier

Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont Les Isles D'Andemaon, Ceylan, Les Maldives.../ Partie Occidentale d'une D'Asie ou sont les Isles De Zocotora De l'Amirante...

USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 1,880.00
17 Louis Charles Desnos

Atlas Methodique et Elementaire de Geographie et d'Histoire Dedie a Monsieur Le President Henault

Paris 1761-62 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 Not Sold
18 William Faden

A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S

USD 1,510.00 - 1,810.00 USD 2,313.00
19 Franz Anton Schrambl

Erster Theil der Karte von Asien welche die Turkei, Arabien, Persien Indien diesseits des Ganges und einen Theil der Tatarei enthalt [2 sheet Map], 1786

USD 905.00 - 1,205.00 USD 940.00
20 James Rennell and Jean-Nicolas Bauche

Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, pour la description de l'indoostan; par le major J Rennell, ingenieur et arpenteur general dans le Bengale

Paris An VIII [1799/1800] USD 1,510.00 - 1,810.00 USD 1,807.00
21 Major Alexander Dirom

A narrative of the campaign in India, which terminated the war with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. With maps and plans illustrative of the subject, and a view of Seringapatam. By Major Dirom, deputy adjutant general of His Majesty's forces in India

London 1794 USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 1,446.00
22 Sir John Malcolm

Sketch of the Sikhs; A singular nation, who inhabit the provinces of the Penjab, situated between the rivers Jumna and Indus

London 1812 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 Not Sold
23 Thomas Duer Broughton

Letters Written in a Mahratta Camp During the Year 1809, Descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits, and Religious Ceremonies of the Mahrattas

London 1813 USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 4,048.00
24 Lieutenant Clifford Henry Mecham

Sketches and Incidents of the Siege of Lucknow [Author's presentation copy]

London 1858 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 2,747.00
25 Sir Lepel H Griffin and Colonel C F Massy

Chiefs and families of note in the Punjab: A Revised edition of "The Punjab Cities"

Lahore 1940 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 2,892.00