Saffronart: Passages to India: A Journey Through Rare Books, Maps, Photographs, and Letters , 72424, Mumbai

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
July 24, 2024 - July 25, 2024
Page Size: 93 items in 4 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
26 Edward Ives

A voyage from England to India, in the year MDCCLIV. And an historical narrative of the operations of the squadron and army in India, under the command of Vice-Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive in the years 1755, 1756, 1757

1773 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 2,892.00
27 William Julius Mickle

The Lusiad; Or, the Discovery of India: An Epic Poem translated from The Original Portuguese of Luis De Camoens

Oxford 1776 USD 725.00 - 965.00 USD 795.00
28 William Hodges R.A.

Travels in India, During the Years 1780, 1781, 1782 & 1783

London 1793 USD 905.00 - 1,205.00 USD 4,048.00
29 Alexis Soltykoff

Voyages dans l'Inde [Deluxe edition of 2 volumes in a large single octavo volume]

Paris not dated USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 8,675.00
30 George Abbott

Views of the Forts of Bhurtpore and Weire along with Sketches about Kurrah, Mannickpore

London 1827 USD 2,410.00 - 3,015.00 USD 5,060.00
31 Lieutenant Colonel Wridenhall Roberts Pogson

A History of the Boondelas

Calcutta 1828 USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 2,458.00
32 Sir Richard Francis Burton

Goa and the Blue Mountains; or, Six Months of Sick Leave

London 1851 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 5,060.00
33 John Tillotson or J H Stocqueler ?

The Route of the Overland Mail to India. From Southampton to India. Thirty two plates, from drawings by Messrs. Grieve, Telbin, Absolon, Herring. Sen., D. Roberts, R.A.Weir and other eminent artists

London [c.1860] USD 1,510.00 - 1,810.00 USD 4,048.00
34 Henry Davison Love

The Indian Record Series: Vestiges of Old Madras 1640-1800 - Traced from the East India Company's Records preserved at Fort St. George and the India Office, and from other sources

London 1913 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 6,506.00
35 Joseph Guibal

Mes Croisieres aux Indes. Ceylan, Zanzibar, Le Kenia, L'Afrique Orientale, L'Egypte, La Palestine, La Syrie et la Mediterranee. Avec soixante treize illustrations

Montpellier, 1946 USD 905.00 - 1,205.00 USD 940.00
36 Stephen Wheeler

History of Delhi Coronation Durbar Held on 1st of Jan 1903: To Celebrate the Coronation of King Edward VII, Compiled from the Original Papers by Order of the Viceroy

London 1904 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 13,012.00
37 Anonymous

Coronation Durbar Delhi 1911 + Durbar Souvenir, 1911-12

Calcutta 1911 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 1,880.00
38 Bourne and Shepherd Studios

Durbar Panoramas [Set of 2]

USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 6,506.00
39 Government of India

Historical Record of the Imperial Visit to India 1911: Compiled from the official records under the orders of the Viceroy and Governor-General of India [Delux Edition]

London; London and Aylesbury and London 1914 USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 9,398.00
40 Ronald Arthur Dalzell (Earl of Carnwath)

Carmonth: Loyal Rulers and Leaders of the East. A Record of Their Services in the Great War. Edited by the Earl of Carnwath, Etc. [With Portraits.]

London 1922 USD 3,015.00 - 4,220.00 USD 3,181.00
41 A R Datt

The Chamber of Princes (Narender Mandal), Delhi, 13th March 1939

USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 3,181.00
42 Anonymous

Delhi Sketch Book [Set of 2]

[Delhi] 1852 USD 1,510.00 - 1,810.00 USD 4,627.00
43 Barorjee Nowrosjee

Cartoons from the Hindi Punch: Being the Political and Social History of the Country during the year told in humorous cartoons, &c. [6 Volumes]

Bombay 1910 USD 1,205.00 - 1,810.00 USD 5,783.00
44 Alexander Cunningham

The Stupa of Bharhut: A Buddhist Monument ornamented with Numerous Sculptures illustrative of Buddhist Legend and History in the Third Century BC

London 1879 USD 2,715.00 - 3,315.00 USD 7,952.00
45 William Griggs

India. Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings. 100 Plates Reproduced By W. Griggs. From the Collection in the Late Office of Curator of Ancient Monuments in India

London 1896 USD 3,015.00 - 4,220.00 USD 9,398.00
46 Edmund W Smith

Portfolio of Indian Architectural Drawings: Part I, Issued by the Government North-West Provinces and Oudh

London; Calcutta; Bombay and Allahabad 1897 USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 11,566.00
47 Raja Ravi Varma Press

Vintage Raja Ravi Varma Postcards [Set of 30]

USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 3,759.00
48 Thomas Holbein Hendley

Indian Jewellery [Signed by Hendley]

London July 1909 USD 3,015.00 - 4,220.00 USD 6,940.00
49 M Robert Delpeuch

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam [Limited Edition Copy with ilustrations by Abanindranath Tagore]

Paris 1910 USD 905.00 - 1,205.00 USD 3,470.00
50 A V Yaremenko

Nicholai Konstantinovich Roerich, His Life and Creations During The Past Forty Years 1889-1929

New York 1931 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 7,952.00