
Moreshet Auctions: Special Chabad Auction for Gimel Tamuz - 30 Years of Longing

Auction Reports

Auction Name Special Chabad Auction for Gimel Tamuz - 30 Years of Longing Total Sales (USD) 42,375.00
Auction Date July 15, 2024 - July 15, 2024 Low Estimate of Lots Sold (USD) 0.00
Sale Number #76 High Estimate of Lots Sold (USD) 0.00
Total Lots 36
Sold Lots 34 Low Estimate of All Lots (USD) 0.00
% of Lots Sold 94.44% High Estimate of All Lots (USD) 0.00
Unsold Lots 2 Total Sales as a % of High Est. Inf%

Top twenty-five by sale price

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Year Published Estimate Actual Price
59 Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and Her Sister the Rebbetzin Sheina Hornstein

Rare! Letter handwritten by the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and Her Sister the Rebbetzin Sheina Hornstein

Not Available USD 7,500.00
71 the Rebbe

Extremely Rare! Blessings, Rebuke and Overt Love in an Igeret Kodesh that was Only Partly Published with Many Additions Handwritten by Him: Blessings of "lhtslkhh bgv"r" v"lbryvt hnkvnh" - Iyar, 1954

1954 Not Available USD 5,750.00

Delightful Treasure: Early Bichel with a Mamar that was not Published and Other Copyings with Textual Variations from the Torah of the Admor Hazaken Baal Hatanya - Russia, 1815

1815 Not Available USD 4,250.00
63 the Rayatz

Letter by the Rebbe the Rayatz with His Blessings for Good Health andParnasah and an Addition Handwritten and Signed by Him

1948 Not Available USD 2,500.00
70 the Rebbe

Rare! Igeret Kodesh before the Acceptance of the Nesi'ut Written Thirty Days after the Rebbe the Rayatz's Passing with a Significant Textual Variation compared to the Printed Version - Adar, 1950

1950 Not Available USD 2,250.00

Kuntres Maamar Baruch She'Assa Nissim 1904 and 2 Dollars, Given Directly by the Rebbe - Shevat 1991

1904, 1991 Not Available USD 2,000.00
72 the Rebbe

Early Letter by the Rebbe, Lengthy and Special with Many Blessings and Additions Handwritten by HIm - Iyar, 1959

1959 Not Available USD 1,875.00
75 the Rebbe

The Rebbe's Blessing for Kabalat HaTorah and Good Health Handwritten by HIm - Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1987

1987 Not Available USD 1,875.00

Kuntres the 11th of Nissan 1990 with an Enclosed Dollar Given Directly by the Rebbe - Yom Habahir, 1990

1990 Not Available USD 1,625.00
69 the Rebbe

Rare! Addition Handwritten by the Rebbe on a Ma'amar by the Tzemach Tzedek

Not Available USD 1,625.00
74 the Rebbe

Letter by the Rebbe for Setting a Wedding Date - Tamuz, 1986

1986 Not Available USD 1,625.00
73 the Rebbe

The 200th Anniversary of the Baal Shem Tov's Passing: Letter by the Rebbe with Blessings for the New Year and an Addition Handwritten by HIm - Days of Selichot, 1959

1959 Not Available USD 1,500.00

Kuntres "Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz 1928", with a Dollar Given Directly by the Rebbe - Tammuz 1990.

1928, 1990. Not Available USD 1,375.00

Kuntres "Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz 1928", - Tammuz 1990.

1928, 1990. Not Available USD 1,000.00
68 the Rebbe

Historical! The Rebbe's Letter for the Conference during which His Nesi'ut was Declared Signed by the Secretary Rabbi Nissan Mendel - Elul 1950 before the Acceptance of the Nesi'ut

1950 Not Available USD 625.00
67 the Rebbe

Corrections Handwritten by the Rebbe on a Copy of a Letter that was Sent before the 12th-13th of Tamuz

1957 Not Available USD 593.75

The Only Known Copy in the World with an Ari Version Siddur! Chumash Bamidbar - Vilna, 1859

1859 Not Available USD 531.25

Complete, Fine Set of Sdei Chemed Printed by the Order of the Rebbe Rayatz (who Passed Away as the Last Volume was being Printed) - Published by the Rebbe, Kehat New York 1949-1953.

1949-1953. Not Available USD 531.25
61 the Rayatz

"g'zvnd prnsh vn pyhl nkht" by the Rayatz with the Stamp of the Secretary Rabbi Yechzekel Feigin - Otwock, Cheshvan 1935

1935 Not Available USD 437.50
62 the Rayatz

Yiddish Letter by the Rebbe the Rayatz with Blessings for Good Health, Parnasa and Good Shiduchim - Iyar 1935 Warsaw Signed by the Secretary Rabbi Yechezkel FEigin

1935 Not Available USD 437.50
60 the Rayatz

Health, Parnasah and Naches by the Rayatz with the Stamp of the Secretary Rabbi Yechezkle Feigin - Warsaw, Adar 1934

1934 Not Available USD 406.25

Psalms Ohel Yosef Yitzhak Printed in Fayid at the Height of the Yom Kippur War

Not Available USD 300.00
66 the Rebbe

Letter by the Rebbe with a Promise to be Mentioned by the Ztiyun Signed by the Secretary - Tamuz, 1968

1968 Not Available USD 237.50

Sefer HaTanya - Edition #78 printed in Fayid during the Yom Kippur War - Egypt 1973

Egypt 1973 Not Available USD 225.00

Rare, Unknown Broadside: Yamim Noraim Campaign - New York Early 1940s

Early 1940s Not Available USD 175.00