
Saffronart: Passages to India: A Journey Through Rare Books, Maps, Photographs, and Letters

Auction Reports

Auction Name Passages to India: A Journey Through Rare Books, Maps, Photographs, and Letters Total Sales (USD) 779,719.00
Auction Date July 24, 2024 - July 25, 2024 Low Estimate of Lots Sold (USD) 330,230.00
Sale Number #72424 High Estimate of Lots Sold (USD) 424,275.00
Total Lots 93
Sold Lots 90 Low Estimate of All Lots (USD) 338,670.00
% of Lots Sold 96.77% High Estimate of All Lots (USD) 435,725.00
Unsold Lots 3 Total Sales as a % of High Est. 178.95%

Top twenty-five by sale price

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Year Published Estimate Actual Price
93 Francois Balthazar Solvyns

Les Hindous: Ou Description de Leurs Moeurs, Coutumes et Ceremonies [Rothschild Collection]

1808-1812 USD 40,965.00 - 48,195.00 USD 137,349.00
91 Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (Babasaheb Ambedkar)

Constitution of India

[1950] USD 21,690.00 - 24,100.00 USD 57,831.00
92 Thomas and William Daniell

Oriental Scenery. One Hundred and Fifty Views of the Architecture, Antiquities and Landscape Scenery of Hindoostan

1816 USD 16,870.00 - 24,100.00 USD 37,590.00
90 James Baillie Fraser

Exquisite Collection of Calcutta Prints by James Baille Fraser [Set of 17]

USD 19,280.00 - 24,100.00 USD 27,470.00
1 Charles Wilkins

The Bhagvat-Geeta, or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon; in Eighteen Lectures; with Notes: Translated from the original, in the Sanskreet, or ancient language of the Brahmans

1785 USD 6,025.00 - 7,230.00 USD 23,133.00
51 A S G Butler

The Architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens [3 Volumes]

1950 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 17,349.00
88 Emery Kelen

Indian Round Table Conference [Inscribed by Nizam of Hyderabad VII]

1930 USD 6,630.00 - 7,835.00 USD 17,349.00
3 Robert Montgomery Martin

British India: Its History, Topography, Government, Military, Defence, Finance, Commerce, and Staple Products, with an Exposition of the Social and Religious State [12 Divisons]

n.d., but 1848 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 15,904.00
59 Charles Freer Andrews

The Tagore Birthday Book: Selected from the English Works of Rabindranath Tagore [Signed book by Tagore]]

1928 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 15,904.00
84 J Harris after Henry Martens

Set of 6 prints on Sikh War

USD 9,040.00 - 10,245.00 USD 15,904.00
89 Abanindranath Tagore

Chitrakshar [Limited Edition Copy]

1924-25 USD 4,820.00 - 6,025.00 USD 15,904.00
12 Captain Robert Smith

Asiatic Costumes; A Series of Forty-Four Coloured Engravings, from designs taken from Life by Captain Smith, 44th Regiment: With a description to each subject

1828 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 13,012.00
36 Stephen Wheeler

History of Delhi Coronation Durbar Held on 1st of Jan 1903: To Celebrate the Coronation of King Edward VII, Compiled from the Original Papers by Order of the Viceroy

1904 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 13,012.00
76 George Childs, J Picken, Thomas S Boys and W Walton after Lieutenant-Col. Alexander Jack

Views of Kot Kangra and the surrounding Country [Set of Six]

1847 USD 3,615.00 - 4,820.00 USD 13,012.00
46 Edmund W Smith

Portfolio of Indian Architectural Drawings: Part I, Issued by the Government North-West Provinces and Oudh

1897 USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 11,566.00
82 Francois Balthazar Solvyns

The Costume of Hindostan: Elucidated by Sixty Coloured Engravings; with Descriptions in English and French, Taken in the Years 1798 and 1799

1804 USD 4,820.00 - 6,025.00 USD 10,120.00
39 Government of India

Historical Record of the Imperial Visit to India 1911: Compiled from the official records under the orders of the Viceroy and Governor-General of India [Delux Edition]

1914 USD 3,015.00 - 3,615.00 USD 9,398.00
45 William Griggs

India. Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings. 100 Plates Reproduced By W. Griggs. From the Collection in the Late Office of Curator of Ancient Monuments in India

1896 USD 3,015.00 - 4,220.00 USD 9,398.00
29 Alexis Soltykoff

Voyages dans l'Inde [Deluxe edition of 2 volumes in a large single octavo volume]

not dated USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 8,675.00
58 Rudyard Kipling

Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling [Signed and limited deluxe edition]

1912 USD 1,205.00 - 2,410.00 USD 8,675.00
44 Alexander Cunningham

The Stupa of Bharhut: A Buddhist Monument ornamented with Numerous Sculptures illustrative of Buddhist Legend and History in the Third Century BC

1879 USD 2,715.00 - 3,315.00 USD 7,952.00
50 A V Yaremenko

Nicholai Konstantinovich Roerich, His Life and Creations During The Past Forty Years 1889-1929

1931 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 7,952.00
57 Rabindranath Tagore and Evelyn Underhill

Gitanjali + Poems of Kabir

1912 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 7,952.00
61 Rabindranath Tagore and Sakti Burman

L'Offrande Lyrique [Limited Edition Copy]

1993 USD 2,410.00 - 3,615.00 USD 7,952.00
66 Jawaharlal Nehru

Discovery of India [Signed by Nehru]

1956 USD 1,810.00 - 2,410.00 USD 7,952.00