Source : Henkels

Source Title Stan V. Henkels Auction Commission Merchant for the sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings<br>1304 Walnut Street, Phila., Pa.

Stanislaus Vincent Henkels (1854-1926) was a Philadelphia, Pa., auctioneer, bookseller, cataloguer, and a leading authority on autographs, rare books, prints, and all materials relating to George Washington. <br><br>Stan V. Henkels conducted auctions of books and related material in Philadelphia for over 30 years, from the 1880's to the 1920's. At various times he was associated with different auction rooms. In the 1890's he worked from the auction rooms of Thomas Birch's Sons, by the turn of the century he was at Davis & Harvey's Auction Rooms, and 1908 found him conducting auctions at Freeman's. By 1913 Henkels was operating independently, as he would continue for most of the remainder of his life.

Scope of Text

We have placed all of the auctions conducted by Stan Henkels under the source of Stan V. Henkels, rather than under the names of the various firms with which he was associated, so that all of the auctions he conducted can be located together.<br><br>While editing digitized version of Henkels catalogues, I noticed a pattern of their catalogues often abbriviating the author's first name. Such as Thos. Dan'l. Sam'l, Jno, Benj. etc.

Total Records in AED 369754